Tuesday, February 21, 2006

You Know It's A Good Year...

"...We got Dipset furs on, over $1.8 million in jewelry. Our swagger and paper is so amazing that the multi is gonna be some other sh*t..."

"But the f***ing movement is so in the streets that it makes people like us even more. We make more money selling hundred of thousand than [someone] selling 3, 4 million..."

So says Cam'ron, a New York rapper who was recently interviewed in "XXL" magazine.

So yes I do believe Cam'ron is having a good year, I mean other than being shot in a fake car jacking for his 2006 Lamborghini, and not selling millions of cds through the store (where I'm guessing the profit is quite slim with all those middle men) but instead have a strong street movement with a more direct marketing approach, he gets to wear his new line of Dipset Furs and wear all the bling he can carry. A good year indeed.

But really I must say that I'm coming to admire the work ethic of some rappers. I mean 50 Cent, now I didn't see his movie but from the ads I could tell he really came a long way to make a name for himself.
(I did little bit of research) He was raised by his grandparents, shot (for the first of what turns out to be many many times) when he was eight. I mean he's accomplished some lofty goals in his 30 years. He's had more obstacles than I could ever imagine. I mean shoot me once and I'm down, maybe I'll try for a comeback. But shoot me nine times, I'm sure to give up. He worked so hard on his rapping that DJs released his cds because he didn't have a label. At 30 he's made it on to the billboard charts, has movie about his life, and is feared by the rapping community. The man is tough! Me now I'm not 30, yet, but we all know its coming, I have blog with like ten readers, I have a "career" and I use that term lightly, which I recently found out that I'm progressing quite slowly through the ranks, and I live in a studio apartment, and I have no bling, and some days I really really do want some bling, like these diamond star earrings. Moving along, I realize my passion is not script, it doesn't speak to me like music speaks to 50 and Cam'ron. So perhaps I'll take a page out of the book of these rap stars and make this my year. I too should be dripping in bling as a reward for being so successful for something I love to do. I think I owe it to myself to Netflix “Get Rich or Dye Tryin’” I think it will be a true story of drive, motivation and how belief in your dreams can make anything happen. And it will probably have some pretty good action scenes. Hopefully its better than “8 Mile” because I remember not liking that even though it has Brittany Murphy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, its a goal!

Maggie May the rapper! I want to see that.

And I like your studio..living with other people sucks and your apartment is cute and all your own.