Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Back :)

Okay sometimes I think that I love television too much. But then there are episodes that validate my obsession. An hour of television that is so good it’s ridiculous. I mean absolutely ridiculous. The only thing I hate about watching amazing television is watching it alone. Of course it is better than watching with someone who can’t appreciate it, but when it’s this good I want to share. I want to have that moment in real life too. I want to share the shock and the heartfelt moments. I of course want to talk about it! Did you see Meredith’s head bounce when she hit the floor? When Dr. Shepard almost let Tucker die because his love for Meredith? When he goes looking for her when its all over? George, how great is George? People this is great television. I know its just a medical drama, but its so much more, it’s like the first season of The O.C. when Ryan couldn’t go an episode without hitting someone. So after watching an amazing, touching hour of television I’m left sitting there with a moment of deep thought about love and life and how things work out. Then I hear in a cheery little news voice that the Vice President accidentally shot someone? What? Accidentally? He’s surrounded by Secret Service, why is he even holding a gun. “Oh more about that coming up in an hour.”
So instead of letting them ruin the after glow of such a great episode I of course turn off the news because that is not the magic of television I so dearly love and appreciate it. However I’m sure my ever faithful tivo has yet and another impressive and magical hour of television waiting for me.


robin marie said...

i would have watched it with you!!! i watched it yesterday by myself... and yes i rewound it to see the meredith head bounce... and the moment when dr. mcdreamy is searching for meredith but finds his wife! and george is great! william george bailey tucker! and alex was finally sweet for once! and burke couldn't operate with yang in the room and said i love you! and the closing shower scene... did you notice how it was george's dream in part one but not perverted?! i absolutely love this show. season one is on its way to my house.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is truly incredible.

This beats the Hell out of anything else on TV.
I love Meredtih and McDreamy. I want a McDreamy.. :(