Thursday, February 23, 2006

PEOPLE!!! He's perfect for me!

He plays soccer and basketball!!! Do you remember I wanted to be a soccer mom and learn how to do a lay up. OMG I'm so excited. I totally play soccer with Teddy (my mom's dog) all the time when I'm in Phoenix. I should totally google soccer news and how to make crepes (I think he likes crepes).

By the way you can call me MCM80 ('cause I'm 80 times better than anyone out there) - yeah props to Teri for that one, cause I'm totally in to the double X L.


Anonymous said...

Don't bother with the crepes.

The soccer..only bother if you REALLY want to know about soccer. Otherwise just ask him about it over dinner and let him bore you to tears with lots of details you couldn't care less about...your funeral.

And ask for him to teach you how to do a lay-up...he'll eat it up with a friggin spoon.

Anonymous said...

What country is he from? I'll hit you up with soccer news. After all I'm going to the world cup, I should know a little.