Thursday, May 25, 2006

My First Interview

You guys should get a kick out of this one. It features me. It's my first interview, now I know we already have a real reporter in our group so I won't be making this a regular thing but this since this is a me centered episode I thought I would post it.

my first interview

So this is my last night in Vegas, sad I know. Turns out I'm not a big "party Vegas girl" but I am a "pool Vegas girl" I've managed to lay out before work the last two mornings. And tomorrow is pool and spa day! Almost makes me want to be a regular Vegas-ian? (Don't worry that's only - almost)

Happy Memorial Weekend!!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Barry and Bachelor Update

Okay so there was no Barry and no bachelors. It was the saddest thing I’ve seen in a while. We go to the box office to pickup our tickets and she was like sorry we have bad news, the show has been cancelled due to technical difficulties. The way the jaws dropped around me… we thought for a moment we were on candid camera. But no she assured us it was not going to happen. So we walked away stunned, a little numb to the news. But then we realized we could still perhaps meet the man. So we head back to the stage, a line of older women who had planned this weekend around this event. Nobody had told them yet, but you could slowly see the news break down the line. I thought the scene at the box office was bad, but this, this was disbelief then shock and hurt then anger. They weren’t going to stand for this, they had come from all over the country, the world. These New York women had no intention of leaving without seeing Barry. A couple of about 60-70 had come from England to see this show this weekend. They booked it in February for their anniversary. They came from England to LAS VEGAS TO SEE BARRY!! The husband was not going to let his wife down and demand they somehow make up for this catastrophe. The wife turned to me, still stunned, looking at me, asking me if this was all true, was this happening. People disappointed old people is seriously the saddest thing. People love the Barry. So we were off to recover with a little bit of Mexican food and some deep thought conversation. Then we were back to our hotel and since I fell asleep in the cab back I realized I was too tired to go to a bachelor party. Good thing because as one of my friends pointed out I probably wouldn’t want to be attending a “Vegas Bachelor Party.”

But do not despair because it turns out when you hold your breath till you turn purple you get what you want (good to keep in mind). I got to go to the Sugarland concert that they had at the pool last night. Not only did we get our tickets comp-ed but we also were put up in a bungalow and it turns out that two bungalows down was a group from Budweiser. They gave us free beer. So last night was perfect summer night weather, we all had lounge chairs, and nice co-workers, and free beer, and we got to make fun of the slutty girl who was dancing in a way her mother would never want to see and then eventually took her clothes off to reveal a cute bathing suit top but the bottoms didn’t match which made us believe that it wasn’t actually a bathing suit. So overall a good night.

To come – my most embarrassing moment – trust me it’s a whole other story that requires its own entry because its gotten so out of hand.

For a sneak peak of my most embarrassing moment or if that doesn't work just look for Rock Honors and a video or two should show up.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Back in Vegas

People I might be a Vegas girl! I know it’s early I always get excited the first day of everything but I’m staying at Mandalay Bay and I love my room, not an exciting view but its nice and I like the bathroom, it’s huge. I even a did a Vegas dance – I do love the Vegas dance, the arms are all a twirl, if I could tap dance my Day One Vegas Dance would be “fierce” (a little Tyra I know). This trip has had quite the kickoff, even met someone on the plane. Not what you are all thinking just a chatty guy in for a bachelor party and some real estate expo of sorts. It was funny I was all worried about sitting next to him because he was so chatty. But then this girl sat between us who was so chatty that he commented to me, very funny. Originally we had considered sharing a cab with one of the guys I work with but then the show had a shuttle pick us up and somehow he/we managed to have him come along. We made jokes about how I wouldn’t just invite a stranger off the plane to come in our shuttle. The whole thing was just a crack up. So at the very least I could have some fun after… I meet Barry Manilow. Yes I’m meeting Barry; I guess we are going to the concert first so it should all be fun. Sugarland is performing here too, I’m hoping to maybe if hold my breath till I turn bright purple I’ll get to go. We’ll see. I’ve never been to a bachelor party, I’m thinking I haven’t ever really been to a bachelorette party either, so for my first night in Vegas I’m meeting Barry and bachelors, how exciting, it might even lead to a Day Two Vegas Dance, it is possible my arms could just fly out with all the twirling about. Ooh and I’ve moved my ticket to the end of day Friday so I can have a bit of pool time and a massage. I love living it up in Vegas.

Oh need a horrifying read? Pickup a copy of “The Book of Horrible Questions” by Smith and Doe.

Ooh and somebody offered to marry me in Adelaide next year!!

I'm totally procratinating here

So I should be packing right now. Actually I should be packed. I've been home for almost seven hours. I've been on the phone, planning quilts that I started over two years ago, reorganizing fabric for all the quilts I think of but never finish. I've been trying to watch everything on my TiVo because I go out of town for a week starting tomorrow. I just watched the series finale of the West Wing, nothing shocking just a nice ending. I think I may have missed the episode right before but doesn't make much different. I just think how sad it is for all of them to be leaving for their show. How sad it would be at the end of two terms to leave the white house. I always wanted to be a first lady but it occurs to me the likely hood of that is slim considering the ambivalence I have towards politics. But I don't think people work toward being first lady I think some how you just end up there. Who even thinks to become President. It's weird but in twenty years I could be married to someone who wants to be President and I think that's kind of amazing. Maybe he just started out getting involved in city politics -- I know I watch to much television. But life is unexpected. People call out of the blue. People who you think were only meant to be in your life for a moment end up sticking around, an unexpected connection. I'm always wondering how my life will turn out, I take for granted that I will get married and have kids but I'm almost 28 I mean I still have a good ten years (not that life ends at 40-- but really it's nothing like being in your 20s) but I'm starting to meet more people in their mid to late 30s who aren't married, who aren't on any path to a family of four with a dog and a pool. Anyway its going to happen out of the blue I just know I'm going to be surprised by the whole situation which is exciting. I'm going to have other careers which even more exciting, especially since I can barely think of another job I could do besides my current one. I'm going to end up doing something else and miss my script days. Miss staying up all night watching TV and pretending to pack before "business trips" It won't be as moving as leaving a hit TV show or the white house but it will still be a little sad for me.
anyway this could just go on but I really should pack and get ready next week.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Oh Oprah

So I think I'm going to get that "perfect white t-shirt" from the Oprah show last week. (Aryn I know we talked about this) -- I’ve totally succumb -- between my mother and Oprah and the horrible white T that I’m wearing today. It’s like I have no choice. It could be really perfect and really soft. Besides I have new shoes. I have tossed the colorfully cute sneakers of last week and moved on to a tasteful and fun flat, some sophisticated yet still shimmery slides, and well a new pair of camo-sparkle sneakers (but they are very ‘late 20s’ looking). I’m trying to look a bit more sophisticated – a bit more put together these days. So in addition to the perfect white T-shirt I’m looking for a replacement for my Tulane sweatshirts that keep me so warm at the freezing cold offices that I work at, a new computer bag that is not a neon orange backpack – and if I am truthful to myself it is very junior high—but it is so cheery and has such great pockets! It’s a little bit sad because my sweatshirts are so warm and cuddly but I suppose you aren’t really suppose to look warm and cuddly in an office – I mean everyone else does but since I’m not going to blow out my hair every day the least I could do is where a shirt to work that requires ironing. Besides it does get old to answer questions about going to school in New Orleans. As one approaches thirty I suppose its time to retire the college stuff, that and my mom saved me a couple episodes of “What Not to Wear” and Clinton and Stacey were pretty firm on that subject (as they are with most subjects – that they deem unfashionable).

BTW, people if you are off to Oprah to see this small bit of perfection that I’ve decide to blow fifty bucks on please I beg you --- save yourself and do NOT read the message boards. I know the Oprah audience looks all pretty and sophisticated but those are not the people who leave messages on the show message boards. These people do not understand what the message boards are for. It is NOT I repeat NOT a full access path to Oprah herself. (She is not Shonda Rhimes--although Shonda should totally be on Oprah sometime). She will not read your pleas, she will not find it in her heart to respond to some psycho without spell check. This is not how she decides to make people’s dreams come true, I think for that you have to send in a video, or a real letter or email. Besides that whole dreams bus thing was last year.
Oprah gave us Dr. Phil, Dr. Oz and Bob Greene, they helped her with legal battles, heart problems and weight problems – These people have made her life better, you just cry on her beg for more stuff. For that she is not going to start your small business for you so you can make a zillion dollars off your half-baked invention!

Gilmore Girls Season Finale Tonight!! (has nothing to do with this entry)

Things I love (in no particular order):
• Hot chocolate (preferably Nestle – for its incredibly creamy delicious taste)
• Self Improvement/ motivational books (because they make you feel like you could take over the world if you just put your mind to it)
• Season finales (especially ones that are advertised as “a special 2 night event”)(I think I should marry a television writer—they are like the rocket scientist of – I don’t know unless of course I get to marry a real scientist – that would be fun too)
• Britney Spears (because we all know she’s going to have a comeback – plus even when she’s chubby making bad choices about the men in her life, she’s still so cute – and just doing the best she can. And she’s proves you don’t have to be the most talented to get to the top, you just have to be driven and go after your dreams – I bet she’ll even when an Oscar one day – Halle Berry did – whoever thought that would happen (not that I don’t love Halle Berry – she is by far one of the most beautiful women in the world and has great taste in clothes – again trouble with the men but she’s evolving plus she has an action figure now. And even though Brit isn’t a small girl she worked her butt off to get some great looking abs, and that makes me believe if I would only work (really really hard) at it that I too could have a pop star abs.)
• An action figure modeled after me
• The O.C., Grey’s Anatomy, Veronica Mars, and Gilmore Girls

Side note:
I can’t believe how bad the SERIES (not just a season) finale of 7th Heaven was, I believe in flashback scenes and all but this was such a crappy ending. It didn’t even make sense. Ten years people all the episodes leading up to the final episode were good. It just wasn’t a finale, such a shame. Will & Grace that will be a good SERIES finale, they will wrap things up, they will have closure, you feel the characters stories will go on and yet you won’t wonder endlessly making up your own ending. If Friday was the SERIES finale of Reba then that kind of sucked too, not horrible just now – wow that was a great show. But I don’t think they knew it was the finale episode ever when they made it.

Something to look forward to:
SOMEONE DIES ON THE OC SEASON FINALE! A MAIN CHARACTER!! (and Mischa Barton isn't coming back as a season regular next year -- only leaves more time for Seth and Summer)

The Authentic Mexican Cornbread – big hit! I thought it was a bit heavy and a little on the buttery side but the people seemed to like it. So it was a good Friday after all. And I have a very nice office group of people to work with this month :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Things to remember

• Don’t get love advice off TV shows (especially reality shows and soap operas)

• Mint leaves of a mojito do not make a meal

• Google is an excellent spell check

• I hate being introduced to people

• When your family, friends and fan hates your boy, believe them that you are wrong and blind to the situation otherwise you will end up with Kfed or TC. (although I still love the nickname TomKat ~ especially since their baby is TomKitten)

Today’s favorite quote:
“Women are like stars…only one can make your dreams come true" (aww – sweet!)

Not really a favorite quote but one I should keep in mind:
"Oversleeping will never make one’s dreams come true."

(mmm - I love inspirational quotes - they make me very happy)

Ooh one last side thought:
Tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo and I'm making Authentic Mexican Cornbread for my work pot luck (that makes me feel like an accountant lol) - I spent all morning googling the perfect recipe and I think I have it -- it's all very exciting -- someone else is bringing a secret recipe of Mac and Cheese, I have no doubt it will be the biggest hit of the party, someone else is bringing "Stoup" from the Rachel Ray book - half soup have stew-- and we are having choco tacos, mexican peanut butter brownies --
Okay I just realized how ridiculous I've been all day! I could have just called robin for authentic mexican pot luck ideas and you probably know a fantastic cornbread recipe too-- girly do you even have IM - because I don't think I have the address and if i do you are never ever on it! I realize Sonia you too could have been quite the help. Why I don't use my resources - MAN OH MAN!
If this goes badly tonight expect calls people!