Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sephora, The Gym, Three Days Off

Really does life get better than this? I love having time off, it's one of my favorite parts of working. I have two whole weeks off and I'm very excited. I had originally scheduled a trip to Mexico, but it seems to be a bad weekend for that so Plan B. (Side note: I love how Logan kisses Rory, at least at the beginning of the episode because from the preview I know he’s won’t be doing that by the end. And if I ever have an ex husband I really want him to be like Christopher.) Anyway Plan B. Hearst Castle, kayaking in Morro Bay, I hear I may need a wetsuit, luckily I was thinking of picking one up tomorrow, you think I’m kidding but I’m not. So this should be very fun. Then on Sunday I’m off to Lake Tahoe!! Super excited about this too, Maria is going to teach me to snowboard, yes me, I’m becoming quite athletic with the whole gym thing. Which brings me to the gym, now the whole class thing hasn’t been working out, but today I decided I was just going to make it. 8pm, gravity class, I was sooo there. Early! So of course the class was cancelled. So this left with me with two other options, jazz/funk - hmm, is that really the first class I wanted to jump into, hmmm no. But me so quick to judge decided to go with Kundalini yoga. So once again I’m early, five minutes, nothing crazy. The other class goes ten minutes late. But I’m okay with this, so I go sit down the instructor talks for thirty minutes THIRTY MINUTES PEOPLE. I about freaked out everything from him speeding on the freeway, unity of yoga and marriage, the government and laws and how they box us in, it just kept on going, oh yes and they should hang a picture of Jesus in the yoga center, but the staff at the Y thought it might be offensive, now I understand it’s a Christian organization but personally would not like to get all hot and sweaty in front of him, even to me that seems a little wrong. The gym is not a sacred place, sure maybe in the administrative office but in the actual gym, and he’s like – people are just afraid, the whole city is afraid, I can’t even smile at the cashier at the grocery store, they just freak out, of my spirit is just TOO MUCH for them to handle. Thirty minutes people. Then they started with the breathing – breathing good, then the Ohms lots of very loud Ohms. So I had horrible work out, 20 minutes doesn’t do anything, that’s no calories, no fat burned – nothing! (I ate a ColdStone caramel temptation – I needed to burn some serious calories!) What a waste, I tried to go back but I just sat for almost forty minutes doing nothing. I tried an extra five minutes but I couldn’t get into it so Plan B (lots of these today) went and steamed instead—Kelly you are a genius, the steam room always cheers me up.
I can’t believe I let myself in to Sephora, without any real intentions. I mean if you go in for something specific its much better, but thinking you may want some moisturizer without knowing much else, man, not good, $150 later I ended up with two face washes, a moisturizer and sun block. You know for the past month I’ve been washing and moisturizing just fine but one step into Sephora you wonder how you even got to this moment without all the crap you are buying, luckily it all has good packaging and lovely smells so I think it will be worth it, I don’t want to be a wrinkled hag at 30 now do I?
Can’t even wait for tomorrow, who knows what I’ll end up with. Maybe a new wetsuit, and hopefully I’ll make the 9am gravity class, that’s funny 9am. The mysteries of tomorrow. I’ll let you know.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I just don't even understand the problem...

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.

I knew it, I just knew it!

You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!

PEOPLE!!! He's perfect for me!

He plays soccer and basketball!!! Do you remember I wanted to be a soccer mom and learn how to do a lay up. OMG I'm so excited. I totally play soccer with Teddy (my mom's dog) all the time when I'm in Phoenix. I should totally google soccer news and how to make crepes (I think he likes crepes).

By the way you can call me MCM80 ('cause I'm 80 times better than anyone out there) - yeah props to Teri for that one, cause I'm totally in to the double X L.

Damn The Fictional Wife

So my crush wants to marry Alicia Keys!! People I'm no Alicia Keys, this sucks. I don't even sing. I just don't understand why he can't read my mind and just ask me out. I mean I send him "ask me out" thoughts all day long! Boys think they know everything but really they know nothing. But maybe he'll just wait and ask me out next week. I keep wondering if we have anything to talk about we could possibly go out to dinner and have nothing to say to each other. I should try to come up with some interesting subjects of conversation. Maybe about travel, he likes travel. If you have any interesting dinner trivia let me know. The good news is he believes in fictional wives just like I believe in fictional husbands. We do seem like a good pair.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

If you wonder what I do

This is a link to an LA Times article about my friend Jenny. She is the Script Supervisor for the Oscars, so if you were ever wondering what I did all day long, it's this to a smaller scale. Yeah it's a good look into the truly exciting life I lead.

Keeper of the Oscar Script

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Update to Sugar Free Tuesday

It was a success till about 7pm, I'm still at work obviously not do much but waiting around for my group to finish, and no I can help them finish any faster - it's just how things are around here. But yes I have cracked open a can of coke and grabbed two bite size 3 muskateers. It was a good fight. We can try again next week.

More XXL

They have a section called "eye candy" and from what I gather (I only have one issue to reference) its the monthly Video Vixen spread. This month we have 21 year old Piarry. She tells us the benefits of being a main model vs just the regular extras (they essentially get treated like crap, don't get hair and makeup, and don't get to party with the artists). She is a profoundly deep woman.
My favorite thought of Miss Piarry, (in reply to maintaining her current four year relationship) "I think I could do it, but I've been fooled before."

I've been fooled before.

I realize there were things I thought I could do but it turns out, I've been fooled before. Thank you Miss Piarry for helping me see how thing went wrong before. Now if she and 50 could come together, they would be unstoppable.

You Know It's A Good Year...

"...We got Dipset furs on, over $1.8 million in jewelry. Our swagger and paper is so amazing that the multi is gonna be some other sh*t..."

"But the f***ing movement is so in the streets that it makes people like us even more. We make more money selling hundred of thousand than [someone] selling 3, 4 million..."

So says Cam'ron, a New York rapper who was recently interviewed in "XXL" magazine.

So yes I do believe Cam'ron is having a good year, I mean other than being shot in a fake car jacking for his 2006 Lamborghini, and not selling millions of cds through the store (where I'm guessing the profit is quite slim with all those middle men) but instead have a strong street movement with a more direct marketing approach, he gets to wear his new line of Dipset Furs and wear all the bling he can carry. A good year indeed.

But really I must say that I'm coming to admire the work ethic of some rappers. I mean 50 Cent, now I didn't see his movie but from the ads I could tell he really came a long way to make a name for himself.
(I did little bit of research) He was raised by his grandparents, shot (for the first of what turns out to be many many times) when he was eight. I mean he's accomplished some lofty goals in his 30 years. He's had more obstacles than I could ever imagine. I mean shoot me once and I'm down, maybe I'll try for a comeback. But shoot me nine times, I'm sure to give up. He worked so hard on his rapping that DJs released his cds because he didn't have a label. At 30 he's made it on to the billboard charts, has movie about his life, and is feared by the rapping community. The man is tough! Me now I'm not 30, yet, but we all know its coming, I have blog with like ten readers, I have a "career" and I use that term lightly, which I recently found out that I'm progressing quite slowly through the ranks, and I live in a studio apartment, and I have no bling, and some days I really really do want some bling, like these diamond star earrings. Moving along, I realize my passion is not script, it doesn't speak to me like music speaks to 50 and Cam'ron. So perhaps I'll take a page out of the book of these rap stars and make this my year. I too should be dripping in bling as a reward for being so successful for something I love to do. I think I owe it to myself to Netflix “Get Rich or Dye Tryin’” I think it will be a true story of drive, motivation and how belief in your dreams can make anything happen. And it will probably have some pretty good action scenes. Hopefully its better than “8 Mile” because I remember not liking that even though it has Brittany Murphy.

Why I don't have a boyfriend: Reason 38

Hmm, he’s an attractive man, I wonder if he’s in good at making out? Let’s go talk to him… wow he’s smart and funny, and really tall. I think I might like this boy. How ever will I get his attention? This is where it seems to fall apart for me. Let’s see what’s my first move – oh yes let me IM my friend in New York and tell her how cute I think he is, he definitely works out. So I just walk around liking him for two days. Ooh crush is off, how can he not like me? I’m funny people, a real crack up!! Oh wait you know he’s teasing me, this is exactly liked getting kicked in the third grade, ooh he likes me!! Crush is back on. So now I wave, I smile, I stop by his office to see what he’s up to (I know, I’m really not busy on this show). Today he comes in and says “how’s my soon to be ex-girlfriend doing?” What did he just say ex-girlfriend… FANTASTIC that means he could totally see going out with me for at least a little while.

Ah and this is reason 38 that I do not have a boyfriend – when boys are mean and tease me I mistake that for true interest, you know like a someone who might actually call me to invite me to dinner kind of interest. Damn the boys that call and pay me attention, I know they just want to be friends.

Side note: Sometimes I think I eat way to much sugar so I’ll have a sugar free day (refined sugar only people) and its 4:30 and I haven’t had not even ONE piece of those little chocolates from the kitchen, and I realize it really shouldn’t be this hard but it is. Now I want to go home, cute boy or not, sugar free days suck! (And I’ve had an apple and an orange and grapes, so its not like I haven’t had anything sweet, it just hasn't been those tiny bite size chocolates that I love so much).

Friday, February 17, 2006

Side Note

Don't you wish you could get one of those "Make Germs Visible Machines" like the news stations have - I wish I had one for my house so I could see where all the germs are when I'm cleaning. Robin where do you guys get those when doing the "special reports?"

Celebrity Love Match...

So I know you all are starting to think that I don't do much work when I'm working because I have time for all this blogging and quizzing and what not. But I know you all are dying to know what my Celebrity Match is so I have to share, not that it's at all surprising...

When it comes to love, you're looking for a man with "white picket fence" potential: the guy who will compliment your mom, helps clean the dishes and could melt the polar ice caps with his smile. He's not always perfect and can be a tad too predictable at times, but you'll love the fact that he's got a dependable job, coaches Little League on the weekends and still finds time to let you know how much he loves you. He's more "apple pie" than "devil's food cake" -- but that means the last thing he'll want to do is break your heart.
Other matches: Usher, Zach Braff, John Cusack, Michael J. Fox, Denzel Washington

So even though I'm not a Matt Damon girl, his description seems pretty accurate. And can I just say I don't think Usher really falls into this category because I've seen his abs on Oprah, and he doesn't really strike me as the boy next door, not to say that is he was looking for a girlfriend, wife, whatever that I'd turn him down. Of course then everyday I'd have to stare at those abs and contemplate my own lack of abs so maybe he isn't the best choice for forever, unless of course he teaches me how to get those abs, but I get the feeling it's not what you call a fun process but I'm sure if he was helping me it would well worth it. Hmm who knew I was so into Usher?

So now we've just had some office chatter about boys, love, and marriage and I'm so excited about really falling in love because what’s better than finding your soul mate. And there is just no way of knowing who it’s going to be. If you think about it, it really is an amazing thing to find. Because it’s definitely a process. Finding the one you sync with. To be on the same page at that moment in time and to find someone you think is amazing and charming and attractive and funny and brilliant. But the good thing about that is you only have to think that about each other, it doesn't really matter if other people don't see the same thing. So that kind of helps the odds I think. I mean not everyone wants to be soccer parents of twins with curly hair and take exotic surf trips around the world and teach me how to do a lay up. Some people hate the beach or hate flying or hate twins, especially identical ones you can’t tell apart. And some people aren’t funny and you know my soul mate is going to be funny, and he has to think I’m funny otherwise I’ll drive him nuts and he’ll be a self made widow – and that would be bad for me. So I guess it’s just a narrowing down process. But really I just can’t wait to figure out who it is because from that point on my whole life will be different.
(I’m going to laugh if I end up marrying someone who is less athletic than me, afraid of heights, and so neurotic he won’t want to leave our house that he clutters with insect magazines – but apparently I’ll be in love so I won’t mind – too much.)

I must say that I really do love the mysteries of the universe! There are just so many of them, it’s a wonder that we make any progress in life.

PS this does not mean I'm looking to get married next week, however next week would be good for falling in love (at least for a little while).

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's Like A Staple's Catalogue

People people people a surprising lot you are! No other “mints” in the crowd so far but some interesting friends I have. Turns out some of you are quite smart (the “CD-Rs” - with your stacks of data -I should have known- the smarty pants of the group), several “desks” in the crowd (turns out you are actually quite important in the grand scheme of things, but I kind of knew it, you all are way more important than me when it comes to the office), a surprising number of “Ibico® KomboTM” (aka a lever-operated punch for making a row of rectangular holes in a stack of paper and fitting a plastic "comb" binding into them. If you haven't seen one in use, you'd probably have no idea what it is - truly this explains those people well- one must meet them to grasp their mere existence), and for all my “bulldog clips” - and there are more than a couple - you crack me up, funny enough its the seemingly sweet ones, at least they are on the outside, with the "powerful steel gripper" on the inside. And to my lone "file cabinet" and "heavyweight (44 lb) cream white laser printable paper stock" your supply fits you surprisingly well. True colors people, true colors.
So with this knowledge, I have decided to embrace my mintiness. After all it’s bringing people together. And you know being a breath of fresh air isn’t so bad, even if it’s not a “real” office supply.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How Depressing

So I was thinking I love office supplies. I love Staples, all the things that help you get organized - fun let's see what office supply I might be. So here it is.

I am:
a tin of Altoids® mints
There are times when a good breath freshener can really improve the interpersonal atmosphere in an office.  (Of course, these special mints might have been purchased to give an exquisite extra tingle to quickie oral sex in the supply closet.)

Which office supply are you?

Not a stapler or a binder that holds it all together, not an integral piece of equipment - a fax, copy machine. No I'm a box of mints. Mints. I'm good at breaking the ice if you want to talk someone, oh yeah just offer them a mint to get the ball rolling. I make people less offensive. Great. Oh yes, I'm all about the office hook up. Nothing at all about being productive, high quality efficient, things people need when it comes to work. Just a little box of mints.

Aryn is "a stack of blank CD-R discs: The most cost-effective way to store and deliver large amounts of data."

People love blank cds, they steal them all the time. But when I think about her new job its hard for me to believe she is cost effective, but she really does store tremendous amount of data in that head of hers so she's definitely worth it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Oh House

You have to find less debilitating outlets than humiliating people...
I hear bowling is more fun than stocking....
Mr. Lunatic who desperately needs a hobby.

- Dr. James Wilson

Just Give the Gilmore's a Chance

Okay Logan is so hot and Rory's hair is really shiny - I am feeling a little better.

Really... this whole working out thing?

So I just came from my second work out. 2.5 miles in just over 40 minutes. A full episode of Wonderfalls kept me going the whole time. As I walked really fast it occurred to me that there must be more to this than what I was currently doing. I know people use weights but I don’t know where the weight section is. There seems to be a lot of basketball and racquet ball, but I don’t if you can just use the courts or if you sign up or where you would sign up. Do you bring your own basketball, I’m finding it very complicated and I still can’t find the room that has the gravity class. I also noticed everyone was a lot more sweaty than me. I was in the target heart rate for cardio but that’s over the target heart rate for low intensity fat burn. I really don’t know what that means. And I’m in a horrible mood right now. There was little parking issue when I first got there, which didn’t so much bother me while working out – thanks to the video distraction, but it did during my post workout stretch, and I’m sure I need to do more than touch my toes, I think I have a book on stretching I need to pull out, and now I’m just in bad mood. I don’t think walking for 40 minutes three times a week is going to make me lose ten pounds. I can’t believe I been suckered into the whole gym mentality. This sucks. Whenever I did the hot yoga I always left in a great mood. All sweaty and toned feeling. Granted I didn’t get to watch my show but it was good me time. Wow even two episodes of Gilmore Girls isn’t cheering me up and I can’t eat pizza because I just worked out. Ew I’m one of those girls. People I know you all work out, you tell me you do, how do you deal?

Oh Sweet Valentine

So I know I complain about my job a lot, but lately I've been pleasantly surprised by those I work with. Today we had chocolate fondue at work, and my department is playing all the cheesy love songs we have in our itunes (which being three girls, we have quite the collection) and I have all day to look up last minute deals to Switzerland and Cabo and Costa Rica. So even though I don't have a valentine and nobody to make out with, I have gotten a personal fondue party, (which is nice because even if I did have a valentine no way I'm cutting up all that fruit), and I get to hear love songs all day long, and in three weeks I'll be sitting on a beach somewhere (unless I decide I can’t pass up a trip to Switzerland). And I have a possible crush developing so valentine or not the 14th is a good day.
Of course the even better news is that I have finally joined a gym last night so next year maybe someone will love me for just my body because apparently I'm just not that charming (boo hoo). I paid $147 to stair master for 15 minutes. But I just download two episodes of Wonderfalls to my little video player so maybe tonight I can go for 45 minutes, maybe I’ll forget that I’m working out if I get to watch a commercial free quirky coming of age comedy.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Back :)

Okay sometimes I think that I love television too much. But then there are episodes that validate my obsession. An hour of television that is so good it’s ridiculous. I mean absolutely ridiculous. The only thing I hate about watching amazing television is watching it alone. Of course it is better than watching with someone who can’t appreciate it, but when it’s this good I want to share. I want to have that moment in real life too. I want to share the shock and the heartfelt moments. I of course want to talk about it! Did you see Meredith’s head bounce when she hit the floor? When Dr. Shepard almost let Tucker die because his love for Meredith? When he goes looking for her when its all over? George, how great is George? People this is great television. I know its just a medical drama, but its so much more, it’s like the first season of The O.C. when Ryan couldn’t go an episode without hitting someone. So after watching an amazing, touching hour of television I’m left sitting there with a moment of deep thought about love and life and how things work out. Then I hear in a cheery little news voice that the Vice President accidentally shot someone? What? Accidentally? He’s surrounded by Secret Service, why is he even holding a gun. “Oh more about that coming up in an hour.”
So instead of letting them ruin the after glow of such a great episode I of course turn off the news because that is not the magic of television I so dearly love and appreciate it. However I’m sure my ever faithful tivo has yet and another impressive and magical hour of television waiting for me.