Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More XXL

They have a section called "eye candy" and from what I gather (I only have one issue to reference) its the monthly Video Vixen spread. This month we have 21 year old Piarry. She tells us the benefits of being a main model vs just the regular extras (they essentially get treated like crap, don't get hair and makeup, and don't get to party with the artists). She is a profoundly deep woman.
My favorite thought of Miss Piarry, (in reply to maintaining her current four year relationship) "I think I could do it, but I've been fooled before."

I've been fooled before.

I realize there were things I thought I could do but it turns out, I've been fooled before. Thank you Miss Piarry for helping me see how thing went wrong before. Now if she and 50 could come together, they would be unstoppable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read the model rofiles in Maxim or Stuff?

I think they get the dumbest girls alive. I find them to be as deep as a cup of water...however, that is how men like em these days.

They don't seem to appreciate someone who isn't a mealy-mouthed dumb-butt twit.