Friday, February 17, 2006

Celebrity Love Match...

So I know you all are starting to think that I don't do much work when I'm working because I have time for all this blogging and quizzing and what not. But I know you all are dying to know what my Celebrity Match is so I have to share, not that it's at all surprising...

When it comes to love, you're looking for a man with "white picket fence" potential: the guy who will compliment your mom, helps clean the dishes and could melt the polar ice caps with his smile. He's not always perfect and can be a tad too predictable at times, but you'll love the fact that he's got a dependable job, coaches Little League on the weekends and still finds time to let you know how much he loves you. He's more "apple pie" than "devil's food cake" -- but that means the last thing he'll want to do is break your heart.
Other matches: Usher, Zach Braff, John Cusack, Michael J. Fox, Denzel Washington

So even though I'm not a Matt Damon girl, his description seems pretty accurate. And can I just say I don't think Usher really falls into this category because I've seen his abs on Oprah, and he doesn't really strike me as the boy next door, not to say that is he was looking for a girlfriend, wife, whatever that I'd turn him down. Of course then everyday I'd have to stare at those abs and contemplate my own lack of abs so maybe he isn't the best choice for forever, unless of course he teaches me how to get those abs, but I get the feeling it's not what you call a fun process but I'm sure if he was helping me it would well worth it. Hmm who knew I was so into Usher?

So now we've just had some office chatter about boys, love, and marriage and I'm so excited about really falling in love because what’s better than finding your soul mate. And there is just no way of knowing who it’s going to be. If you think about it, it really is an amazing thing to find. Because it’s definitely a process. Finding the one you sync with. To be on the same page at that moment in time and to find someone you think is amazing and charming and attractive and funny and brilliant. But the good thing about that is you only have to think that about each other, it doesn't really matter if other people don't see the same thing. So that kind of helps the odds I think. I mean not everyone wants to be soccer parents of twins with curly hair and take exotic surf trips around the world and teach me how to do a lay up. Some people hate the beach or hate flying or hate twins, especially identical ones you can’t tell apart. And some people aren’t funny and you know my soul mate is going to be funny, and he has to think I’m funny otherwise I’ll drive him nuts and he’ll be a self made widow – and that would be bad for me. So I guess it’s just a narrowing down process. But really I just can’t wait to figure out who it is because from that point on my whole life will be different.
(I’m going to laugh if I end up marrying someone who is less athletic than me, afraid of heights, and so neurotic he won’t want to leave our house that he clutters with insect magazines – but apparently I’ll be in love so I won’t mind – too much.)

I must say that I really do love the mysteries of the universe! There are just so many of them, it’s a wonder that we make any progress in life.

PS this does not mean I'm looking to get married next week, however next week would be good for falling in love (at least for a little while).


Anonymous said...

Ew... my match is Mel Gibson. I think I used a different site than you did though, because it didn't give me a description. My runners up are Kevin Spacey, Sean Penn, and Bruce Springsteen.

I found another site that just goes off birthdates, and that matched me with Nick Carter and Wilmer Valderamma.

Maggie May said...

you have to go to ivillage then go to quizzes. They can also tell you all the things you do that annoy men, as well as all the things you can do that turn men on. Of course there advice sucks and I'm sure its written by girls who know nothing about getting a man, they probably just watch a lot of lifetime movies. But their quizzes are good.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to believe that soul-mates are a myth.

Anonymous said...

Newsflash that shakes the Universe-This is what I got:

Dashing-But-Dangerous: Jude Law

You like a guy with charm, good looks, sophistication, and sex appeal in spades, which is why dating a martini-sipping Casanova could make you the envy of every woman in the room. His smoldering good looks and knee-buckling kisses may leave you swooning, but be forewarned: This gent could lead to a relationship on the rocks -- shaken, not stirred. There's a reason James Bond has a different leading lady in every movie. These are the sort of ladies' men who perhaps love women a little too much.

Other matches: Colin Farrell, Charlie Sheen, 50 Cent, George Clooney

Anonymous said...

I got Boy Next Door too! Which is crazy, since we have never had the same taste in men...

Anonymous said...

Ohh... maybe I do want the boy next door. My "Starlet Style" quiz said:
"Your young Hollywood style is girl next door with a flair
It's not that you don't appreciate the finer things in life. You just aren't into flash and sizzle. Well, you aren't alone in your fashion philosophy because you join the ranks of Kirsten Dunst, Mandy Moore and Natalie Portman with their subtle yet stylish looks. But every now and then, even the most understated beauties need to step out and spice things up a bit whether it's with sexy clothing or with a sexy hairdo. Add some drama to your makeup for an evening affair. It just may turn into an affair to remember."