Saturday, May 20, 2006

Back in Vegas

People I might be a Vegas girl! I know it’s early I always get excited the first day of everything but I’m staying at Mandalay Bay and I love my room, not an exciting view but its nice and I like the bathroom, it’s huge. I even a did a Vegas dance – I do love the Vegas dance, the arms are all a twirl, if I could tap dance my Day One Vegas Dance would be “fierce” (a little Tyra I know). This trip has had quite the kickoff, even met someone on the plane. Not what you are all thinking just a chatty guy in for a bachelor party and some real estate expo of sorts. It was funny I was all worried about sitting next to him because he was so chatty. But then this girl sat between us who was so chatty that he commented to me, very funny. Originally we had considered sharing a cab with one of the guys I work with but then the show had a shuttle pick us up and somehow he/we managed to have him come along. We made jokes about how I wouldn’t just invite a stranger off the plane to come in our shuttle. The whole thing was just a crack up. So at the very least I could have some fun after… I meet Barry Manilow. Yes I’m meeting Barry; I guess we are going to the concert first so it should all be fun. Sugarland is performing here too, I’m hoping to maybe if hold my breath till I turn bright purple I’ll get to go. We’ll see. I’ve never been to a bachelor party, I’m thinking I haven’t ever really been to a bachelorette party either, so for my first night in Vegas I’m meeting Barry and bachelors, how exciting, it might even lead to a Day Two Vegas Dance, it is possible my arms could just fly out with all the twirling about. Ooh and I’ve moved my ticket to the end of day Friday so I can have a bit of pool time and a massage. I love living it up in Vegas.

Oh need a horrifying read? Pickup a copy of “The Book of Horrible Questions” by Smith and Doe.

Ooh and somebody offered to marry me in Adelaide next year!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll have to do Vegas together sometime.