Thursday, June 29, 2006

This is so lame...

People here’s the thing, I want a sidekick, need a sidekick. But really I don’t need a sidekick. Nobody emails me when I’m sitting at my computer and they are sitting at their computer. Who’s going to email me when we are all away from our computers? Maybe if we all got sidekicks we would email each other more.

(yeah I'm still not over the decorative type thing)

(By the way just want you to know, I don't have a formatting bar to make this all easy because I use safari, apparently this is all much easier when you use explorer or something else.)


robin marie said...

i heart veronica mars... and maybe her sidekick too.

Anonymous said...

Super funny b/c I've been trying to justify getting one too... Of course, I don't really have a need for it....

Two Birds said...

Maybe you should get a sidekick like a person... like a midget or something... Tattoo from "Fantasy Island"... or like Ed McMahon was to Johnny Carson.

Anonymous said...

Electronic devices of all kinds scare me.

I think I was the last kid on the block with a cell phone, an i-pod, don't have a palm pilot or blackberry, and I decided not to get internet service on my phone because I didn't think I could figure it I might surf the net drunk..and that is always bad.

So I vote "NO" to sidekick.

Emily said...

I'll get a sidekick if it means saving some money . . . see, OED-fanatic me got wondering about its derivation, and did you know it comes from turn of the century England when people kept money in the "side kick" pocket of their pants where it was hardest to steal because the leg kept moving? Hence, a sidekick is a trusty l'il thing. I'm just a font of info today.

Anonymous said...

I'll have a crackberry next year, so we can email constantly. But only about things that won't get me fired if work actually monitors the exchanges.