Friday, July 07, 2006

I think I'm approaching Level 5

So I’ve been trying to write this blog for days now. I’ve just become obsessed and too distracted to write it anything down. So a lot of you realize this means one thing, I’ve met a boy and I have a crush. I’m kind of notorious for these crushes. I think I love having crushes, it makes the days between boyfriends a little more intesting. And I’m starting to realize I have levels of crushes.
Level 1 being the nice man at Whole Foods who buys his wife a pint of milk on his way home from work, even when its raining. Level 2 I’d have to actually have talked to the guy and he probably had some trait/interest/talent that I found very appealing. These two are more momentary crushes. I’d say a Level 3 would be a guy I’ve met who seems great, really want to go out with him maybe we go on a date and then something arbitrary happens and I’m over it. Level 4 requires a couple of dates then I realize why we aren’t quite right for each other. Then there’s Level 5. Level 5 I’m just head over heels, sure we must have some kind of future together. Any logistical problems like the fact he doesn’t realize how crazy I am for him or that he lives three states way don’t seem to be a factor in the practicality of having this level of a crush.
When I get these crushes (really at any of the levels) it’s all I talk about for days and days. And let me tell you I have very patient friends. They get calls and IMs from me on a moment by moment basis about whether he likes me, what I should do next, what they think he will do next, what do they think he means when he says – well pretty much anything. This is when it would help to like a guy who has a myspace page. It’s so much easier to stalk them and find out all their likes and dislikes and their friends likes and dislikes and what it means when he has friends with those likes and dislikes. You can see how this might snowball for me.
Really I can go right over the edge when it comes to Level 5 boys. I think its because I’m so excited about meeting “the one.” I’m always wondering if this is it, if I should remember every moment because in 20 years when we are looking back we’ll be able to talk about when we first met. In fact meeting people and trying to picture us ten years down the road seems to be a hobby with me. It could just be the amount of free time I have to think about all of this.
Anyway I can tell I really liked this boy because I got too nervous to say anything, my usual chatty cathy-ness was out the window. My mind was literally blank. No thoughts. Nothing witty or charming or even barely interesting to say. I made this boy explain the intricate details of what happens to his catch after he goes hunting. (mostly I was worried about having deer blood staining my kitchen counters). Really who asks about that!
So here I am at phase one of a Level 5 crush that seems to have little long-term promise. But you never know what the future holds.
After all there is this high school couple most of us know, they were sure they were meant for each other. The girl moved away in the middle of high school but that didn’t seem to stop them. The boy moved to her in college. And somehow have a fairly curvy road they ended up together.
So anyway that’s were I’m at, that’s were I’ve been, at a phase one level 5 obsession.


Two Birds said...

The myspace page is really dangerous. You end up checking every day to see if they logged on, who they added as friends, if they updated their profile... it can make you crazy with a capital K. It's best that Deer Hunter doesn't have one.

Maggie May said...

you have to add me as your friend!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the Level 1 zone everyday. Your organizational chart is so on point.

Anonymous said...

You found a hunter?

Odd little LA person you are!

Aren't you supposed to be a vegan health nut who doesn't wear fur by now? ;-)

Emily said...

Congratulations! My unsolicited advice? Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. What better way to fall in love than to start with a level 5 off the bat? Bonne Chance Mon Amie.

Anonymous said...

I forgot how to have crushes... Isn't that something that should be on PostSecret? I admire the fact that you're able to, and even have different stages for them. Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you talking about Sarah and I?
Awh, how sweet.
We were totally level 5 all through HS. Then there was that time in college when it was, like, a level negative 5...but things are all good now. In fact, tomorrow morning that girl is going with me to North Carolina for four years where we'll start a whole new adventure.

I miss you Maggs. Come visit us in Winston-Salem, please.

Much love,