Sunday, June 04, 2006

I hope I'm not becoming an insomniac

So I can’t sleep tonight. I’ve been trying for the last hour or so – this is almost never happens to me. But I’m excited tonight and I feel I have a million things I have to do and I can’t really do any of them at 1:30 in the morning. I’ve started looking at houses and condos in the last couple of days. It’s exciting and overwhelming. I don’t know why I’m worried I have lots of friends who have bought houses and they all seem fine. Nobody seems to crazed about it. So it’s only been the last six hours or so that I realize that this is totally going to happen for me, I even went to home depot to look at new bathroom and kitchen fixtures. I could be living in a house with a yard by then end of the summer. Change and the possibility of change is always exciting. I keep thinking about color schemes and bathroom storage. I have no idea what colors I would get but I would like a circle dining room table. This was my first week off in ages. I know most people don’t just get weeks off all the time and its good that I haven’t had a week off because that means I’m working which is always good. But that first week off there is so much to do. The number of people having babies by the end of the year is out of control, and I want to make baby quilts for all of them. So I spend a lot of time driving down to Newport Beach because that’s the fabric store I like best. I ran out of fabric on this one I’m almost done with which means I have to get back down there tomorrow. Three hours is a lot of time for fabric but they have the best selection. I know I must sound boring but I’ve been on a health kick this week which is ending tomorrow. Well not so much ending just moving on to another phase. I’ve noticed that when one is on a very restrictive health plan its makes them very unfun to go out with. I’ve had to turn down seemingly fun dinner offers. And sitting around watching tv all day isn’t nearly as much fun without the company of Wendy’s or Hershey’s. But I do feel healthier and it was only a week so I guess its all been worth it.
Back to the house thing, do you think I’m the kind of girl who lives in a house with a blue living room? I know I can’t go pink, maybe green, a peaceful spa green seems fairly neutral but not so neutral that its tan or some variation of tan. But it occurs to me that maybe living room only look good in color on television, maybe beige doesn’t read well on the screen so they always go with great colors but you know in real life beige is very popular, and it does look nice, variations of eggshell and what not. Several friends have colorful kitchens and dining rooms so I think I’m fine there, but I don’t know if I’m a yellow kitchen kind of girl I have a blue kettle I really like and I think it might be nice with a yellow backdrop. You know what I want when I move a kitchen aid mixer, and they come in a million colors. Kelly I seriously don’t know how you deal with being an insomniac – I’ve only had it one night and I’m going crazy. If I hadn’t just finished this whole healthy body thing I would totally have a drink. One would think I would have some kind of sleepy tea in my cupboard.
I hope you are all well, and your summers are off to a good start.


Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooooo exciting! And I LOVE my yellow kitchen. And you could get a blue kitchenaid mixer to match your blue kettle!

Anonymous said...

Well...actually most people think I AM I don't really deal with being an insomniac.

Can't believe you are buying a place!

Anonymous said...

I might need some of your research on condos....

Aubrey said...

We did our living room a grey/blue and it looks fabulous. Also, I got the light green Kitchen Aid and I love it.