Sunday, July 29, 2007

Slow start to costa rica

So I'm testing out this email to blog thing. Mostly because the
computers seem to be down for my airline and I'm doing my best to be calm and go with it. I'm sure they will somehow get me there. Everything always works out. I'm just repeating this over and over. Its working. I'm hungry but less worried. I feel better someone
finally got in line behind me. Let me tell you being very last totally
sucks. The line is moving but I'm still outside remaing calm. Afterall
I'm going on vacation. Last time I went on vacation I was told I was
unaffectionate and wouldn't fall in love AND I got a boyfriend and
that was only four days in DC this is ten days in Costa rica can't
wait to see what happens. I have total expectations of being the next
blue crush girl with cool Abs- at some point this wish has to come true. Probably when I start working out but fingers crossed its sooner than that. Ooh so I made it inside. I'm sad I have to check my bag I
used to be a light traveler though there's an airport story where I end up in tears that tells me otherwise. One of those self
misconceptions. Ew I bet I will have to sit in he middle because
I'm last but the good news is it looks like it really is going to workout. Next thing you know I'll have crazy BC abs. Alright thanks
for keeping me calm. We are going to do our best to keep up with blogging adventures. Ooh crazy girl two people up is going to research sea turtles. This is going to be an interesting flight.


1 comment:

robin marie said...

wait... are you finally back on blogger! i have been so worried about stella! viva costa rica!