Sunday, July 09, 2006

Horoscopes Lie

I know you are all just dying to know how my super sexy hot Saturday night went. Pretty much how you would guess. Totally not super hot or sexy. Well I of course was as were my friends but the music was loud, the place was crowded and only one boy came up to talk us. He complimented one girl’s dress and my earrings. That was the extent of the flirting that went on all night. Unless of course you count the drunk boy getting out of the cab as we were leaving, but he still had a girlfriend in the car so I don’t think that counts. I was thinking about were we may have gone wrong. I was thinking it was the eyelashes. We ended up not putting them on because we were just to over it by the time we left the Flamingo BBQ. (Oh yes I said Flamingo BBQ—and it was as great as the title itself. Margarita machines, blow up boats filled with beer, a chocolate fountain, and a guacamole bowl the size of my head, not to mention a whole layout pulled pork and tiny hotdogs wrapped in bacon. Plus there were garden flamingos with party hats on and flamingo lights hanging over the pulled pork sandwiches. It was actually quite an impressive layout.) So as I was saying it could have been the lack of eyelashes or it could have been the loud music. And it wasn’t so much a singles event, not to say there weren’t single men, because there seemed to be, they just didn’t seem interested in mingling with the ladies, not just me and my friends but all of the ladies. But the night was not lost, the GoGos did play and were quite enjoyable and I there was a silent auction. I was outbid on the first two seasons of Popular but I did when three hours of indoor rock climbing. And the company was good fun, plus it just nice to get out once in a while and try something new. Plus now I’m all signed up for rock climbing and we all know that deer hunters like sporty girls right


Anonymous said...

The men are probably gay. It is L.A. after all.

Deer hunters liking sporty girls...gee I suppose so. Mostly they like any girl who brings them beer and doesn't come near the tree stand.

Maggie May said...

Tree stand? Is this something I will need to know?

Anonymous said...

tree stand=place where hunters may sit to be on the look-out for deer and turkey.

Also may be referred to as a "deer stand"

These generally look like low-tree houses or can look like lifeguard stands.

Anonymous said...