Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Snowboarding Adventure - Part 1

I am now on Day 3 of snowboarding in Lake Tahoe, Diamond Peak. Seriously every muscle in body hurts. I have to wear layers and every time I pull a shirt over my head its incredibly painful. Funny enough the actual falling isn’t that painful, but I’m doing much less of that anyway as of yesterday. Except for one fall – hit my head pretty hard, had a bit of “yard sale” as they say, my goggles went flying off, of course that was after it had scratched me above the eye. But people don’t worry, I’m a tough rider, I got back up on that board and linked a couple more turns and finished out the day. I was supposed to be snowmobiling today but that didn’t work out so I’m headed back to the mountain. I’m really not sure how much more of this my body can take. I thought the kayaking on Saturday was rough. I had no idea. Of course this is my last day so I might as well try for a blue right. Then comeback next year and start all over again.
Well we are off for the day but I will fill you on all my ex citing Tahoe details tomorrow night.


Anonymous said...

I'm so incredibly envious Miss Maggie. Ever since I saw Snowboard Cross on the Olympics it's been my dream to try it. Of course I should learn how to snowboard first. You must become proficient at it so that you can teach me next year.

Anonymous said...

Something tells me that all I would get for my troubles(should I ever try snowboarding) would be a mouth, eyes, and nose full of snow after I did one too many face plants.

As for layers and cold weather..booooo! I hate snow. Snow should die.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you did kayaking and snowboarding in one weekend. That sounds like my version of Hell.

robin marie said...

WOW! you are an official snow bunny. i always wanted to be one but i was too much of a pansy chicken!