Monday, November 13, 2006

Oh yes -- I'm back

Okay so I know I’ve been gone a long time but I’ve been very busy. A lot has happened well not really a lot but I swear I woke up old and very busy at 28. Somehow I was just magically an adult. But lets just skip over that and pretend I haven’t been gone for all these months on end and jump to this weekend.
It has been another romantic whirlwind weekend. This doesn’t even compare to Level 5 boy. Well it is comparable but different. L5 I just liked, but this one likes me back (and he doesn’t hunt – that I know of so no worry of blood in the kitchen) I don’t know much about this one but we danced. And I don’t really dance, usually I have to be very drunk to dance and even then I feel foolish I feel like we are all frauds (ooh la la yeah look at us all having a grand old time dancing the night away) – to say the least I don’t really ever feel the music. But on Saturday night we danced all night. And he was a good dancer and he thought I was good dancer, and I was a good dancer when I was with him. He liked all my stories and thought I was funny and charming. He was sweet with out being mushy or clingy and just overall makes you smile when you think about him. And I wasn’t even nervous with him and I’m nervous with all boys even boys I’m not even interested in.
Of course he lives on the other side of the country, of course he does, because otherwise it would be too easy. Not just three states away, but all the way over to the other coast, practically as far as he could get without falling into the water (which he doesn’t like at night- the beach that is, he doesn’t like putting his feet in the water at night—not even a little bit).
He’s also a family guy, is nice to his parent and is good friends with his brother; I learned almost everything I know about the boy from his brother, which is actually kind of nice. Because you know they have a good relationship and that means he’s probably a really good guy. I like close-knit families, I think it makes for nice holidays and good husbands. (Yes I know it a fairly arbitrary assumption but I think it helps when you are raised with good examples.) I’m close to my family and I think it’s important place to have common ground. If you value the family you came from I think you are more likely to value the family you choose to create.
We talked about traveling and he said we could go anywhere and I suggested Switzerland mostly because I imagine it incredibly romantic and we could ski and eat chocolate and walk around in fabulous winter coats and buy cuckoo clocks. And he agreed to it. He thought it sounded just as a fabulous as I did.
He’s an artist and a businessman, and quirky dresser. He decides on projects and becomes completely dedicated to them till he’s done or however he decides to move on. And he’s quite and smart and has these deep thoughts and really good explanations.
He hasn’t called and its already 10pm there. So I could be on the same path as L5 (who never did actually call although he did text me once). Or I could be in an overly romantic mood because I was at the perfect destination wedding this weekend, and my sister is getting married next weekend and one of my best friends is getting married between Christmas and New Years and has a fabulous story to go with what will be a fabulous wedding.
But really I danced with this boy all night, and he plays soccer. I think I’ve told you my ideas on boys playing soccer in the park, again with the arbitrary. But even if he doesn’t call and we don’t ever meet up in Switzerland or anywhere else its nice to know that there are still boys out there that flip my stomach and make me smile without thinking. (It’s also good to know I’m not all bitter and jaded, not that we thought I was even close to that.) And what’s even better it to know that the world hasn’t really run out of good guys – not that we thought that either ?

1 comment:

robin marie said...

some great quasi-country (you're shocked i know) lyrics come to mind:

The summer air was heavy and sweet
You and I on a crowded street
There was music everywhere, I can see us there
In a happy little foreign town
Where the stars hung upside down
A half a world away, far far away
I remember you were laughing
We were so in love, we were so in love

And the band played song's that we'd never heard
But we danced anyway
We never understood the words
We just sang oh la la la la la la la la la la oh
And we danced anyway

i'm so glad you have finally caught on to what it is to really dance!!! and i'm anxiously awaiting pictures of your european adventures!