Thursday, December 01, 2005

1000 First Blogs

So I've had a lot of things planned for my first blog. I've been thinking about it non stop for days. Every night I drive home and a thousand topics run through my head. But I walk through my front door and my red tivo light wasn't on. It's Thursday night, why wouldn't my tivo recording light be on at 10:04pm. Has the power gone out, no the green light is on. I can see the time on the VCR. Panic is now shooting through me. What should be recording right now, is the tivo full? OMG what would happen if - please no- what if The OC wasn't recorded. I've had a deep seated fear all day that Veronica Mars didn't record last night and it was the one that has the alternate ending, its supposed to be the meteor shower event for Neptune. This was Rob Thomas' favorite ep. Now the tivo light isn't on. I've been working late all week and haven't had a chance to check the status of my shows. Standing in the dark I take a breath and and hit the power, come on already what is "now playing." Wow there it is, at the top of the screen, The OC, and surprisingly Reunion, which I'm happy to see and I look a little farther down Veronica Mars and One Tree Hill. Now my early to bed, easier to rise theory will not be tested. I have two, but honestly because of my serious lack of will power, I have at least three hours of TV to watch.

So now here I am with my first blog entry and my OC gang, my tivo loves me and it’s only one day till the weekend! OMG they just said like 50% of people meet their future mates in college. I will stop here and leave that statement for another day. His little “snow angel” I love Seth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally am into One Tree Hill..guilty pleasure.

But now...Grey's I would cry if I missed that one. You'll know I'm in love when a guy can get me to go out with them on a Sunday night.

I wish I had of the many types of modern technology that passed me by. I don't have a Blackberry, or even know what half the things on my fancy cellphone do.